However, the FEEDAP Panel has reservations about its effectiveness as a preservative in complete feed with a moisture content of ≤ 12%. British Dictionary definitions for synonym synonym / ( snnm) / noun a word. It is reasonable to expect that the effect seen in food will be observed in feed when it is used at comparable concentrations and conditions. Make sure the safety stays are in place after placing the weights on. Lactic acid is used in food as a preservative. It is considered corrosive to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes.

is very responsible Synonyms & Similar Words reliable safe true good steady. The use of the additive under assessment in animal nutrition is considered safe for the consumers and for the environment. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Although no safe concentration of lactic acid in water for drinking for ruminants can be derived, the Panel considers that the use in water for drinking is safe in ruminants when the total daily intake of the additive does not exceed the daily amount that is considered safe when consumed via feed. The corresponding safe levels in water for drinking would be 15,000 mg/L water for pigs and 8,000 mg/L for other non‐ruminant species. Most of the time, they can be used as synonyms, depending on their function in a sentence. The lactic acid is safe at 50,000 mg/kg complete feed for functional ruminants and pigs and at 20,000 mg/kg feed for all the other animal species and categories except for pre‐ruminants for which a safe level cannot be established. Although uncertainty remains concerning the possible presence of viable cells and/or spores of the production strain in the final product, this does not raise safety concerns for the target species, humans and the environment. safe, sound, out of danger, on the safe side whole, en- tire, perfect, undeformed, in perfect condition, without a scratch.

The production strain qualifies for the QPS approach for safety assessment. Competent organisations in Member Statesįollowing a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of lactic acid produced by a non‐genetically modified strain of Weizmannia coagulans (synonym of Bacillus coagulans) (DSM 32789) for all animal species except for fish.